Morning Rotation

Morning Rotation
A little bit of this, a little bit of that.
250g Peace Keeper, Flagship Espresso Blend
250g New Romantic, Dark Espresso Blend
250g Echo Cipher, House Filter Blend
From the roaster:
Morning Rotation is your all-access pass to our core lineup. Peace Keeper delivers smooth, balanced notes of milk chocolate and candied fruit. New Romantic turns up the intensity with rich chocolate, creamy butterscotch, and a hint of flaked almond. Echo Cipher rounds it out with a clean, vibrant filter experience.
Brew Guide:
Espresso: 20.5g in / 42g out / 30-second extraction
Filter: 16g coffee / 250ml water / 2.5-minute brew time
Shipping times:
Standard Service: 6 to 8 days
Express Post: 2 to 3 days